The intent of the EAL curriculum at Judgemeadow Community College is to ensure that EAL students are provided with equal opportunities to those non EAL students.

The intent of the EAL curriculum at Judgemeadow Community College is to ensure that EAL students are provided with equal opportunities to those non EAL students. For international new arrivals our intent is to provide initial assessment of language and then tracking of language acquisition throughout their first two years. EAL interventions will be provided, when necessary, to meet the different needs of the students. The EAL department aim to move EAL students through the different levels of proficiency in English dependent. upon starting point to ensure them success at Judgemeadow Community College.

Priority 1: Quality of Teaching
intention implemention expected impact staff responsible Monitoring and evaluation Impact achieved

To provide CPD for all staff regarding

teaching EAL


CPD session to be put into calendar for whole school CPD Staff to attend CPD and then engage with suggested EAL strategies in their classroom to improve the teaching and learning experience of our EAL learners FPT/TCL Follow up with a staff evaluation of session  

To observe

T and L


in use in

the classroom

Following CPD sessions learning walk to be undertaken to see the diet received in lessons by key EAL learner To see a variety of T and L strategies in place in different lessons FPT/HCH Track pupils at different EAL stages – written WWW/areas for development to whole staff and individual staff feedback  
Students to receive basic language introduction sessions and improve basic language

EAL booklets continue to be used during intervention sessions


Monitoring using BELL framework and NGRT reading tests


Providing some students with tablet devices to support in lessons

Basic language acquisition by new arrivals


To regularly assess language acquisition to be able to tailor resources and interventions to students regarding their need



Students show language acquisition improvements on BELL framework  
Priority 2: Behaviour and attitudes
intention implemention expected impact staff responsible Monitoring and evaluation Impact

Monitor the effort of new arrival students in lessons to intervene when


Review effort grades after data snapshots – mentoring with students if necessary


Communication with home via HOY/AHOY and translators if necessary


Track on a half termly basis behaviour points/detentions numbers of high profile EAL students

Any key students to be monitored closely




Continual monitoring of behaviour points vs rewards points  
Priority 3: Personal Development
intention implemention expected impact staff responsible Monitoring and evaluation Impact


opportunities for

EAL students

Set up an EAL champions buddy scheme for new year 7 students using year 8 EAL students

To have a successful EAL buddy scheme in place by Oct 2019


One tutor time per week for buddying


Students to complete termly short survey on impact of having a EAL buddy  

To reduce any

stigmatism around

being an EAL


To have an EAL welcome board in school in a prevalent place

For us to start to gain a very accurate picture of our EAL numbers by reducing any stigmatism around the EAL label


Board to be in place.


EAL to be celebrated


Celebration of World languages day

To continue to track EAL numbers in school
Priority 4: Leadership and Management
intention implemention expected impact staff responsible Monitoring and evaluation Impact

EAL co-ordinator

to continue to

access network


EAL co-ordinator to attend meetings and cascade information

to staff

Leading staff briefings minimum of once a term



EAL co-ordinator

to continue to

upskill in terms of EAL provision

EAL co-ordinator to start to attend BELL training events/projects

EAL to cascade to staff